Geopolitical scenario mapping with The Economist Intelligence Unit
Experimenting with AI to improve efficiency & effectiveness
Crowning an operating model fit to accelerate technology maturity
Helping charities provide a better service through connected data
Bringing people to palaces and palaces to people
Designing digital verification for two million Armed Forces Veterans
Reducing the cost of lasting power of attorney by 31%
Leveraging the power of AI to solve client challenges faster
90% satisfaction for a holiday nightmare
Harnessing customer data to sell a lot more pizzas
Helping travellers breeze through border control
Inspiring a more diverse talent pool to protect and serve.
Getting ahead of the Story on AI
Creating a smoother automated journey whilst driving costs down
Turning 10 million records into a data model to support trainee doctors
The ultimate monthly newsletter
A global retail turnaround
Over 7 million downloads for Couch to 5k thanks to user focus and robust research
Using data to accelerate sports subscriptions
Off to a flying start with company-wide agile strategy
Digital first changes everything
Digitising a global direct sales network
Driving up recruitment conversion while driving down costs
How digital transformation of a retail icon led to over £3 billion in online sales
Overcoming vaccine hesitancy to save lives
From sea to plate – shaping the future of marine food chain compliance
Helping build a high-performing marketing organisation for E.ON
Leveraging 4 million engaged shoppers
Monitoring TfL’s health and wellbeing needs during the heart of the pandemic
More flow for England's water supply
Personalising the car ownership experience
Moving 80% of appeals online through human-centred digital design in the public sector
Safeguarding the UK’s history for the digital age
Tackling the online retail Goliath by going Digital First (faster)
What does a future-fit, customer-first marketing and digital model look like?
Making democratic engagement something to look forward to
The move from a product to customer-centric business
Actionable insights delivered rapidly from diverse data
Helping vulnerable gamblers take a much-needed break
Bringing the store experience to online shoppers
Fueling the content revolution through Fintech
Planning a digital journey with customers at its heart.
Agile delivery needed more than a cosmetic change
Designing better digital products to help couriers deliver better results
Right support, right customer, right time
Embracing AI to supercharge creative thinking
Paving the way to a new digital platform