Satisfying users is Transform’s main purpose. But how do you get 90% customer satisfaction for a holiday nightmare – losing your passport?
Losing a passport is no fun. It’s even worse if the process for reporting and replacing it is confusing, slow and unclear.
But there was a second problem. The paper-based journey slowed up the process for the caseworkers – the people behind the scenes cancelling lost passports and issuing new ones.
Effective solutions always start by listening hard. That’s what we did, including:
Instead of multiple questions on a single form, the entire process was broken up into a step-by-step online process.
This meant the overall number of fields could be reduced for the new service, as well as simplifying the language and terminology.
This resulted in:
To help the caseworkers, Transform changed the way key data was collected and reported, allowing for problems and delays to be identified faster.
The application was designed so sensitive personal data was automatically redacted, saving time and money when it came to the serious task of data protection.
Our work in the public sector extends beyond this project. If you’re interested in hearing more about our wider experience, please get in touch.