Remaining efficient post Brexit
The task was to design a new service to enable all English and Welsh under 10 meter (U10m) flag vessels that fish in UK waters to record their catches.
The main aims of the service was to ensure exports of fish to the EU remain efficient and regulated post EU-Exit. Catch certification would be needed for the £572M of fisheries exports to the EU post EU-Exit.
Investigating the food chain
We were tasked with carrying out a Discovery project investigating the flow of fish through the food chain, from sea to plate, in order to prepare for the required recording for compliance and to design a new transport documentation process.
We specifically analysed the user needs around three key areas: Catch recording, catch certificates, and transportation documents.
From prototype to product
Following our investigation, which included on the ground user research across the United Kingdom, we created a summary of user needs, an analysis of technical implications and architecture, and concepts for new digital services.
We subsequently delivered the prototyping phases for all three areas and built the eventual services Record your Catch and Create a UK Catch Certificate, the latter delivered against extremely challenges timescales in time for EU-Exit.
Some numbers...